Well this past week is now gone and a new one is starting. The weather is starting to feel more like fall with it cooling down each day. Leaves are starting to fall. I think the high next week is 78. I love this time of year. It is not to cold and not to hot but just right. Debbie I think she is enjoying working as well as getting a few hours out of the house each day. Everyone she works with seems to think she will do great and even one day make a top level. I think she will do great. Emily is growing up so fast and keeping me busy each day as I am now staying home with her during the week as Debbie is off at work. I have been trying

to find ways to get work done around the house and land while keeping an eye out for her. Before leaving CHC we where given a pack back to put her in when she get older. She is just now getting to the point where she can get in it and sit up by herself. So while I get some light work around the house and yard done she can sit while looking and taking everything around us in. She seems to enjoy spending some time outside with the fresh air and sun along with playing with the cats and dog. I even get to take a walk with her to the mail box a few times a week to one get me in shape but two to get the mail. I still have yet to build her a car seat for the golf cart. I am working on that one... Anyway Debbie is requesting the internet for the night and I need to go clean the house as our grandparents are coming in for the week. I will try to do better about updating.
In His Grip,