Things are keeping me busy right now in life. We had a new girl 3 years old come join our home this week. Things are a little crazy getting her to fit in around here. But like most children who come from bad places that just happens at times. We are praying that things will calm down a little in the next week. I am currently building toy boxes for the kids to put there toys they got from Christmas in. They are 3 feet long, 2 feet wide and a foot deep and I am painting them white. I have two done and planning on making one or two more. I think the kids like them. Trying to keep the kids putting trash in them is the trick now.

Next week I am having a meeting with the Worship Pastor at our church to talk about sound and media stuff to see if there is any thing I can help them out with. I am praying that things will go great and maybe this can be a great output for me and I can get more involved in church. Who knows maybe a little bit of a income as we really need it right now with the baby coming. I am the kind of person who hates just sitting in church. I always feel I have to do something or lead. At times in life God has put me in that place to where I am to sit and listen. I feel that is where I have been the past year. I feel that the time is going soon to where I am to work and minister again. Who knows what Gods got plan for this year. That reminds me of Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you, the plans to prosper, the plans to give your hope and a future." Sometimes I have to stop and remind myself of something bigger then my self. That God got everything under control. That is so to know!
In His Grip,