It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

So What?

Hi - I’m Jonathan David Rogers. You’re probably here because you followed a link from one of my other blogs or even Website. Maybe you got a business card of mine and you’re curious as to whether it was worth the effort keeping track of it long enough to reach a computer (I applaud your efforts). Or got this address off a e-mail or resume. You could be a friend of mine (hello, friend). Or, if you’re like me, your name is also Jonathan Rogers or enjoy Coffee in the South and you were wondering what would happen if you typed your name or southurn Coffee into a search engine. Either way.... welcome.

Here you will find this much more then a blog, but a place of life, truth, and testimony. You will learn where I have been and where I am headed and even more important about our Lord Jesus Christ. My Hope is that you find yourselves encouraged, filled with joy and leave with a better understanding about who I am in Christ, because with out Him I am nothing.
So, grap a cup of coffee, take a look around and enjoy your stay!

Quick Facts:
Name: Jonathan David Rogers
Sex: Male
Height: 6" 2
Birthday: May 31' 1984
Married to Debbie
Kids: 7 Kids (We are Houseparents)
Ours is due in June
Dog = Carolina
Employed at Calvary Home for Children, Anderson, SC.
Licensed & Ordained Pastor
House Dad
I was born and raised in South Carolina; I came to know the Lord as my Personal Lord and Savior at the young age of 7. Life was okay and I live your typical childhood until the age of 13. That’s when I felt a big call on my life to go in to full-time ministry it was then when I started the journey of a lifetime. Years later I graduated from Lexington High School and I became the Pastor of Students in a small church in out side of Columbia, SC. I went on to attend Columbia International University, to where soon after I met my wife Debbie.
I have been a Pastor of Students the past 7 years. During my time as a Pastor I founded “Impact Team” which is a drama team for students within the community. Impact Team has traveled to schools, churches, youth groups, and even state events. Impact Team is still active and meets throughout the Southeast in 6 different states
I love God, my ministry and my family - my wife, Debbie, and I have been married since May 2006. My Heart is for the Students of this generation and todays' family. I want to see a awaking happen that over fills the student bodies to sake this world with the truth of Christ and His love everlasting. My mission is to make a life changing Impact that will last throughout years on the generations to come. I am committed to actively push the church toward unity, tell our story to the world, loving the community and helping the hurt heal trough the blood of Jesus Christ.
Again Welcome to my blog!