It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

Thursday, December 11, 2014
~Christian Movies~
I am so not a fan of Hollywood's style of "Christian Movies" But I really must say I am really drawn to the new movie, "Exodus: Gods and Kings". I think for the main reason that its on Exodus. I have preached for years many of the stories that will be played out in this movie. I really do hope its made well and true to scripture. I very much disliked the last few "christian" movies that Hollywood has come out with. I think they want so much to add the hardcore violence and sex that they put a twist on it to sale more tickets. (Then we wonder why people look down on Christians, Wow we will save that rant for another time) I think if they would really dig deep into scripture they would find that that stuff like all that already is there. The Bible does not have a PG rating all the time. With some of the things found in scripture they might have to give the movie a rating of R. My word they could make a porno out of Song of Solomon. They can do a Murder Mystery with Moses and who knows what else they could make. I hope that This movie will make it where I feel the movie "Noah" failed in. Don't get me wrong I know that may people loved the movie Noah but I feel they really tried to rewrite the story all together.. I am just glad they even had the ark and didn't change it to some spaceship or tour bus or something. Oh wait Noah and a Spaceship....... now that would be some movie. Oh well Exodus comes tomorrow so I will be interested in what the review are by others. Until then here is the movie trailer.
Monday, December 8, 2014
~The Time is Now~
BIG CHANGES COMING: So after many months of prayer and fasting. Debbie and I have accepted a call from God to embark on a new Journey in life to take a large leap of faith. This Journey will by no means be easy for us to take. It will cause us to leave family and friends in the southeast. And those around us we have grown to love over the past year here in Atlanta. In January Debbie, the children and I will be moving to Colorado. To the details of what, how and when of this new Ministry can be found at in the coming future (Spring 2015). Until then you can sign up for our up and coming family and supporters newsletter that will be going out by Spring 2015. We welcome everyone's prayers as we start this chapter in our lives. Over the next few weeks and month you will be able to get more details to what we will be doing in the immediate future by following Debbie and I through Facebook and our Blogs. There you will get more info about, jobs, home, school, ect... So stay tune. Again thank you for your love and support over the years. God is good!
"And I heard the voice of the Lord saying,
“Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”
Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.”
-Isaiah 6:8
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