It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

~Bombs Away~

Some days I am not really sure what Ethan eats. Some days we are fine and others.... oh boy watch out! I have to put on the Daddy suit and go in for the kill or in this case the Clean! Thank the Lord for Scented candles.
Someone really should make an automatic diaper thing. Sit the child in, it cleans, replaces and leave child baby fresh. If there is anything out there I have overlooked let me know!

-Pastor J   

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Get Ready!

It's been a slow week and to be honest I have not gotten much done. I think after the last few weeks I needed some time to just rest and get things in order. I think we all need that time to take and rest and get ourselves ready for the work ahead. While picking up Emily this week at school I have had some time to sit in the car pool line and talk with Ethan or more me talk he listen, however today as he was quacking at the birds out the window I was able read a word in The Word while we wait. I came across this truth found in Proverbs 24:27, I really like the way The GN translation puts it. "Don't build your house and establish a home until your fields are ready, and you are sure that you can earn a living." So in a way I feel I am getting ready for the fields for a great harvest that's coming. Maybe you feel that same way. Well I hope to take some time early next week to look at some whys I feel we can get the fields ready for that next chapter in your life or harvest He is bringing like that new season I spoke about a few days ago. As the summer months come to a end we start on the coming season of fall and boy and I ready for it to come. I enjoy the cool days and smells leading up to Thanksgiving and then to one of the great seasons of Christmas. I can't wait. 
In His Grip,

Pastor J  

Sunday, September 16, 2012

New Season

Stayed home from church today while Debbie and the kids went... To be honest I am glad I did. I hated missing the fellowship at church however I really needed the "Me and Jesus Time". After sometime in The Word here is what He gave me:

As it's a New Season in my life this is how He spoke to me in a few different ways to prepare for this coming season.

1) Embrace the Bible as true and Holy

2) Honor the Word of God

3) Guard my mind

4) Forgive

5) Speak Right things though and over people

6) Build my own Faith and stand firm

7) Pray like never before!

This is just some highlights I got out of this morning. Sounds like a new sermon outline coming huh.. Just might be ;)

Hope and Glory

In His Grip,

Pastor J