As Debbie is off to statesboro to a Doctor’s Apt I am home with the kids and trying to get some work done here at the house… or should i say again trying. Work from home Ha Ha not so much… Here is a peak at my new sermon…
In Romans we are told all things work for the good of the Lord… When we are suffering through difficult times, we can know that God will cause the bad situation to work together for good. Jack Bauer just saved the day and recovered the bomb in downtown China town. Kim was kidnapped but once again saved at the last hour.
Lets Pray….
Okay so I am joking. Next time I will learn when I have to stay home don’t plan on getting anything done. LOL
Now back to 24…
In Romans we are told all things work for the good of the Lord… When we are suffering through difficult times, we can know that God will cause the bad situation to work together for good. Jack Bauer just saved the day and recovered the bomb in downtown China town. Kim was kidnapped but once again saved at the last hour.
Lets Pray….
Okay so I am joking. Next time I will learn when I have to stay home don’t plan on getting anything done. LOL
Now back to 24…