It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Making God convenient?

I could say some much about this...... However I am going to have to save it for my next book. What has happen to our Churches? and the thing is people like this... I hate to say I live in the same city of this church and I even know people who go to it. This is one of biggest churches in town and so highly talked about... So sad that this is what Church has become....I am waiting for the stripper poles next. remember Matthew 7:14 "But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

If you can't see the video you may have to view this post on my blog...

Monday, September 27, 2010

Going to get a Flu shot This year!

Okay every year I always make some post about how I hate flu shots so to get it out the way early this year here it is. This is funny but if you think about it, it is all true.. I have been telling people for years not to get the flu shot... I have never had one and won't get one! Maybe I am just a tree hugger or crazy but hey I'm still alive. It's Funny how many people I hear get the flu after having the shot... I don't want that crap in my body, sorry.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Online Study Coming!

A few months back I started the study "Gripped by the Greatness of God" by James MacDonald and found it to be a great awaking into How great God really is. Sadly with leaving our jobs in the upstate and returning back to our small hometown in GA, with the move and all the "joys" (as I roll my eyes) of moving and starting a new business and trying to get planted back in the community things got way off track and I lost my study in the move. Over the past few weeks I found it again and ready to start back. However in do that I am going to start over and create a online study to share posted on my blog ( It seems over the past few months to a year not many people are blogging as much these days and I myself have gotten slack about doing it. One of the main reason I even stated blogging was not really for anyone else but for myself. It is a great way for me to think and slow down my busy life. (I have a "busy" life....ya right!) So anyway over the next 7 weeks I am going to be doing the study of Gripped by the Greatness of God and I welcome all who wants to join this great online study. With this fast world of technology and the world of Internet more and more people are reading and doing things from their computer so what a better way to host and do this study online.
I would also love to hear from you throughout the study so post post post!!!

In His Grip,


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Hobby!

My wife requested that I get a new hobby! So I did....

More details to come but here is a hint:

Call me Lego Man!

I have many ideas for my 1st projects, here are a few ideas:

All done with Legos!